Untangling the Temporal Enigma

3 min readAug 11, 2023

Rethinking Time Management

It all begins here

In a world where every second counts, the pursuit of effective time management has become the modern-day philosopher’s stone. Yet, as we delve into the intricacies of scheduling and prioritization, it begs the question: Is time management truly a futile endeavor? Could it be that our very attempts to tame time are what make it an elusive specter?

The Mirage of Control

In the tapestry of time, the threads of control are woven with fragility. Our attempts to regiment time often resemble a mirage, where we believe we can corral its currents into neat boxes. Yet, the reality remains that time flows regardless of our attempts to direct it. It slips through our fingers like sand, defying our boundaries and subverting our expectations.

The Efficiency Paradox

Our quest for unparalleled efficiency can lead to a paradoxical outcome: an avalanche of tasks that bury us under an insurmountable workload. As we perfect the art of multitasking and streamlining, we inadvertently invite more responsibilities into our lives. This creates a cycle where the very efficiency we strive for becomes the catalyst for our own time-related woes.

The Toll on…




Founder of Baxtah, an International leader in AI driven Logistics & Manufacturing solutions.